Chat GPT vs Bard: Features, comparison, uses

The discussion about Chat GPT is growing on the internet worldwide. People are now finding answers to all their questions by using Chat GPT. Many companies are also utilizing it for their professional tasks. Google has also launched its AI tool, Bard, to attract people’s attention. Amidst this increasing popularity, people are raising questions about the differences between both tools. Let’s explore the distinctions between Chat GPT and Bard.

Google Bard:

When Google introduced Bard as a trial at the beginning of last year, it faced several things that needed improvement. Google has addressed these issues before its official global launch. On May 10, 2023, a new version of the generative AI was presented, resembling OpenAI’s Chat GPT to a considerable extent. Google claims that this chatbot will provide users with a better experience. However, Google has warned that it lacks support for multiple languages, potentially leading to inaccuracies. Engineers at Google are continuously working to enhance this tool in the future.

Chat GPT:

On the other hand, Chat GPT is undergoing upgrades, with Microsoft and OpenAI presenting four versions. However, a significant drawback of Chat GPT is that it is updated only until 2021, meaning it provides answers based on data available up to that year. Internet access is required, and a subscription is needed for full functionality. Microsoft initially banned this tool in Italy due to misinformation and privacy concerns. Still, the ban has since been lifted, and OpenAI has added a new feature to erase the history of user questions.

Comparison Overview Table:

FeatureChat GPTBard
Language ModelFree: GPT-3.5, Paid: GPT-4Pathways Language Model (PaLM 2)
Data sourcesText available on the internet until Sept 2021Specific conversation dataset with current internet access for trends
Internet accessAvailable in Chat GPT Plus through GPT-4BARD accesses the internet through Google Search
User interfaceBoth display chats in a sidebar by saving conversationsBARD generates more information, while Chat GPT generates text in a single prompt
FunctionalityBetter at content writing with given data, such as summarizing articlesBetter accuracy in providing answers to questions
Chat sharing capabilitiesBoth allow sharing conversationsBARD provides additional features like connecting chats to Google Maps
IntegrationsOffers plugins and integration with popular sites and apps like Wikipedia, Instacart, and TripAdvisorLinked with other Google services through ‘BARD extensions,’ but currently no third-party extensions
Use casesExcellent in content writing, ResearchPrimarily focused on question-answer accuracy
PriceFree version with limited capabilities, Chat GPT Plus subscription costs $20 per monthFree

Chat GPT vs Bard: Current Status in Coding

Chat GPT claims to be capable of coding complex code on its own. Research has tested this feature, involving researchers from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and University College London. They were part of the testing for Chat GPT coding. Researchers report that the model has been successful in its coding claims. On the other hand, information about Bard suggests that the model is currently learning coding.

Chat GPT vs Bard: Knowledge of Languages

Both Bard and Chat GPT provide text in multiple languages. Bard is free and includes text in over 40 languages, covering more than 230 countries and regions. In contrast, Chat GPT is available in only nine languages and covers 164 countries and territories.

Chat GPT vs Bard: Draft Creation Capability

Bard provides users with a specific answer for every question. This means when asked a question, it gives the most accurate response from good options. In contrast, Chat GPT offers the user a single option to answer a question.

Chat GPT vs Bard: Retention of Old Conversations

When it comes to remembering old chats, OpenAI’s Chat GPT performs well. It can remember old conversations with a dataset of 3000 words. It works to avoid duplicating the same thing and focuses on future directions. On the other hand, Bard’s capacity is currently limited, but the company claims it will be improved.

Chat GPT vs Bard: Internet Browsing Efficiency

BARD and Chat GPT provide answers through web searches, but some differences exist. BARD allows all users to use the internet for free, while Chat GPT provides this feature only to premium subscription users. When I tested web searches with chatbots, Chat GPT took more time to give answers compared to BARD, and Chat GPT faced network errors repeatedly.

Chat GPT vs Bard: Different Functions

BARD is a robust conversational assistant, excelling in gathering research for you and making your life easier. It may not be able to provide source site citations while working, but if you tell it, it will do it. On the other hand, Chat GPT is an industry standard for natural language tasks, providing its API to other AI tools like Jasper,, and Bing’s AI tools. Trained well on web text, it focuses more on logical patterns in generating text. As a part of Chat GPT, it works as a chatbot but can also be used in tasks like summarization, translation, and various content-related tasks.

Chat GPT vs Bard: Expertise in Image Retrieval

BARD can display related images from Google Search, a unique feature distinguishing it from Chat GPT. Whether you’re searching for a dog’s nose, a movie’s name, or a cycle shop, BARD can pull out related images from other web pages. While Chat GPT cannot fetch images from the web, it can assist in generating AI-created ideas using its DALLĀ·E 3 model (available only for premium subscription users). You can use Chat GPT for blog image creation or business logo design.


  1. Is Bard getting better than Chat GPT day by day?
    Although connecting Bard with Google Search has advantages, it is still slightly behind Chat GPT in generating text based on user prompts. However, Bard quickly answers questions and provides up-to-date information, images, and fresh news.
  2. How do Chat GPT and Bard perform web searches?
    BARD can perform web searches quickly; this feature is free for all users. On the other hand, Chat GPT provides this feature only for premium subscription users.

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